
While we no longer have volunteer roles delivering food, we are developing other food-related projects and activities. These include a Community Fridge, the Walworth Living Room Community Cafe, ‘Hot Meal on the Way Home’ and other Neighbourhood Food projects through the Walworth Neighbourhood Food Model.

Please complete this form to register with us so we can send you opportunities as they become available.

During the pandemic, although our buildings were closed and face-to-face activities paused, volunteers were more important than ever.

From April 2020 to August 2021, hundreds of volunteers at the Walworth Community Food Hub prepared and delivered over 40,000 food packages to local residents in need.

A volunteer at the Walworth Community Food Hub

Volunteers have always been the beating heart of Pembroke House, helping to support and deliver our programme of face-to-face activities – whether preparing and serving a meal at our weekly Lunch Club or tending our community garden.

And before Covid, volunteers were taking the lead at our new community space, the Walworth Living Room, setting up and running their own clubs, activities and events: from craft sessions to a creative writing group.

As we emerge from the pandemic, we are inviting people back to Pembroke House and the Walworth Living Room: to come together to support one another and share food, conversation and experiences.

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