Live call shows our Food Hub in action

Last week, we invited members of the Pembroke House community to join us on a live video call from our emergency food distribution hub. You can see a video of the event below.

On the call, we heard how 35 tonnes of food have already travelled through Pembroke House’s building, delivered to 1,500 people each week.

Nearly 30 local organisations and partners have referred people to the Hub: from TRAs, community groups and charities to the health sector and the Council.

But Mike described how, even before the Covid crisis, ‘there already was a food security crisis in Walworth, and in London and across much of the country.’

While transitioning into a food bank was the right response in an emergency, it’s a scandal that our neighbours need to rely on food aid in ordinary times.

So in the long-term, Pembroke House will work to tackle not just the symptoms but the root causes of food insecurity, working alongside residents and partners in a collective, neighbourhood-wide endeavour.

This call was open to our network, from local residents and participants to volunteers and Pembroke College Members. If you kindly supported our Covid-19 Appeal, you’ll see your contribution at work.

We rely on the kindness of people like you.

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